Wednesday, May 23

First Love :')

At first, we were like friends like special lovers
The first time I placed your heart in my heart
My childish first love believed that
My fluttering heart will become destiny

I was happy just by breathing
It was a sunlight-like love
I thought that we would be forever
But it remains as memories

Now the pained heart, the sad tears can lean on my cheek
It's alright if the scars in my memories remain all over my body

 My heart chose you first, my first love is enough
I'll protect it forever, my first love

Your electrifying and magical kiss
That was how the fluttering started in my heart
As if the love that was hot as fireworks are whispering
My first love dreamed of the future

Your smile makes me smile
It was a starlight-like love
It was just all good, it was like that back then
Beautiful times

I Love you, my happy first love

Friday, May 4

It's a date, I guess.

yesterday after jumaat prayer, dia, pipi and zai nak datang aloq staq.
what the most shocking is zai naik moto ngan pipi. haha
hang zai, kalau si mie tuu tau memang hang mati. 
newayy, they arrived safely and decided to meet at tesco mergong.
dia cakap dia nak datang amik sweater.
coihhh ALASAN !
nak jumpa aku lettew.
haha kbai
a day before aku punya marah kat dia.
dia call tak angkat lahh, text tak rep.
buat perangai pelik2 lagi. -_____-

Since the 'nothern commander' sweater tu kat umah dayana
carelessly tertinggal dlm kereta dia masa hari kononnya nak pegi perlis.
but tak jadi.
so i pick him up at tesco then we drive to dayana's house.
errr okay that's the first time i drived him and he sat in my car,
tinggal la pipi ngan jaa kat tesco tu
haha date la mpa dua

after dah amik semua, we decide to go to pacific
since tesco tu tmpat2 ibu2 beli brg dapur. 
my bros was there with le cousins.
so senang nnt nak balikk ngan dorang jaa.
depa tatau jalan so kitaorg konvoi ngan umi.
mau pulak umi tuuu? -.-
sampai pacific jaa kitaorg jalan2 smpai tingkat atas sekali
and jaa ajak main skate.
ohkayyyyy, sumpah aku tak reti main.
tak jalan langsung kot weyy.
nak berdiri pun tak boleh.
dayyummm buat malu.
tapi we're having fun la.
tak dapat ice pun lantai biasa pun jadi lahh.

before aku balikk, dorang pegi makan mcdonald.
then we just saying goodbye at the front door pacific tuu
cause umi called me like hundred times bila nak balik
since all the kiddos underage also there 

dating session off. annyeong ~ :D

p/s : sorry there's no picture. alaa sebelum ni pun tak penah reveal his picture pun kat sini. 

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