Tuesday, March 6

I'm touched

i dont know where to start.
there's so much things happened between us.
i dont know what Allah try to show me.
my destiny 
just one of the people that care to stop by in my undescribable life.
things get started when we exchanged our phone number or wait,
he gave me his just for helping purpose
yeah, at first i got shocked
or else it was jackpot since at that time
i think i already have this kind of feeling at him.
so assume that day was a lucky day. :)
then i thought be present in that camp, sacrifies my midsem break is worth it. 
things just happened so fast.
me and him just getting even more closer
with him sitting beside me in the static playing his tenor,
exchaged our music sheet,
taking some pictures,
texting me late at night after the camp dismiss everyday
the sweetest moment is on the day i'm going back to Kedah,
he called and said he has something for me 
and asked me to meet him at tangga batu cave.
seeing him walking towards me with that ordinary outfits,
he hand over a plastic bag and as i thought 
it was roti canai ! :)
we have a very short conversation and then make our own way.
that 3-days camp make me feel like heaven 
with self-delivery roti canai
I'm touched :')

' I'd say, music brings people together' 


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