Sunday, August 28

codename's breaking fast.

yeah, at last! 
after we being apart for a quite long time.
long time? 
for us yang dah memang menatap muka-muka ni dari form 1.
kau cuti la sekolah ke, hujung minggu ka.
muka-muka ni la yang kau tatap.
only God know how much i miss them :')
now i know how the feeling living apart from them.
dulu just cakap 
'cuba bayang nanti kita dah belajar tempat lain2. masing2 dah dok jauh. ohmaigee memang tak dpat nak bayang kan?'
hah sekarang? amik kau. rasakan. TT
i want you back.
i want you back!
*dah macam lagu bruno mars plak*

we chit-chating. hmm gossiping is more precise kot. HAHA
kalau tak gosip bukan Codename.
for the first time Codename gosip pasai namja but not KOREAN!
they talking about their reality crush keke
Eah paling semangat ceta pasai Hakimnya.
*eah dengan sengajanya aku tambah 'nya' kat belakang mean HE'S YOURS.
wahahahah ;D
Bongie ceta pasai apa ya? Farhan?
rasanya. dia tunjuk gambar lagi. ohmai SUMPAH comey! >.< 
malay ullzang! 

 i talk about mine. don't have to mention kot. :P
long-leg ajusshi :)

Thanks my sarang, CODENAME.
thanks a million for a great time.
to those who were not there just now,
let's meet another time.
i love you guys till death! :')

because of omma is there then i have to go back early.
there's have some things to settle before we go Perak tommorow morning.
yeah! wohoooohoo balik kampung, wohoohooo balik kampung!
hey Raya its coming, people
let's have some fun!
*budak tak sedar diri nak Final*

love, syazleen  


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