Saturday, March 3

ASD2Cn's hang out!

last week me and my group planning to have dinner at Kuala Perlis.
setelah berhempas pulas mintak persetujuan, melayan kerenah hero-hero group aku ni
at last jadi jugak pergi. not to forget nabil's last minute want-to-join. :)
kami sewa kereta 3 bijik. 
driver2 terhebat goes to Dayana, Farzana and Kak Naz ( take turn pergi balik)
and *drummm rollllll*
MYSELF keke :P
i was driving the auto car 
'cause i'm not going to responsible
if anything happen to my friends when im driving the manual. :/
so lepas ja test physic? haaa lepas test physic late morning tu
after Zohor, we moved.
i got Pinky, Tehah, Farahin, and Sharifah on my car.
Dayana angkut hero-hero malaya tu.
memang la anak dara bawak anak teruna pungg.
and keta Farzana got the rest of us.
Kak Naz, Fieza, Aishah, Mimi.
tapi ada yang tak ikut.
Man, Atin, Faizah, Tikah, Nanad err lagi? ada lagi ka tertinggal?
mintak ampun la nohh.

Kami gerak pi Tasik Darulaman *tak habis ngan tasik ni dr sekolah lagi -.-*
makan ais kacang, cendol
take pictures, naik kuda and Makes Memories ;')

*some of pictures have problem uploading. sorry*

then we straight to Kuala Perlis.
this time Faris join us.
the food just soooo awesome as ever! 
memang puaih hati la makan.

what we ate that night.
 kau ada kau ada?
selamat datang ke Negeri Perlis Indera Kayangan.
*promote negeri orang*

for those that happen that night just let it flushed away with other sweet memories.
experiences make you think wider
build you to more a matured person
let you know how to handle life-matter even better
and the most valuable lesson is . .
bring us together.

' Bismillahirahmanirahim, hope this freindship last forever,'

p/s : most of the pictures having problem when uploding. Sorry. :/


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